The Kid Who Knocked on Door and Asked for a Banana

The kid who knocked on the person’s door and asked for banana became an Internet sensation after a redditor posted a photo with the following headline: “This is Carter. He knocked on my door to ask if he could have a banana then left.”

People were fascinated about how the child  felt so comfortable just knocking on a stranger’s door and asking for a banana. Some even commented on how it may have been dangerous if Carter had knocked on the wrong person’s door. It was, however, nice to have the banana in the picture to get a better idea of Carter’s size : )

Carter instantly blew up on the front page on the Internet and went viral elsewhere. Fans of Carter and online communities even created a bunch of memes depicting Carter. Check out the original picture of Carter and a bunch of Carter memes below:


carter banana


carter banana brad pitt


carter banana pulp fiction


carter banana on moon


carter banana stand

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